SOMEONE please bottle this stuff

There are plenty of fancy or gourmet honeys which I am sure some people feel are worth their exurbent price tag. Truffle honey from magical pastures that is hand-crafted and bottled by gnomes, sure sounds like it would be worth half a paycheck.

But other sweet liquids can be even more valuable…in fact we discovered one that is actually priceless; you have to harvest this honey yourself. Although we have searched, so far NO ONE SELLS THIS STUFF.

Sweet potato; the healthy, far more tasty brother to the common white potato holds a secret. When baked in foil over a long period of time it releases a true juice of the gods. A thick syrup oozes from the sweet potato.  Ignorantly, many people often toss this magical liquid in the trash with the foil in which the potato was originally baked in. In our house hold, this action could lead to war breaking out. I have used deception and bribery to get a larger share of this sweet potato “honey,” and Mrs. Fed Up has been known to threaten pulling out a blade if anyone touches her sweet potato’s priceless liquid. If you could buy this stuff, I have no doubt that we would be broke. We would ignore credit limits and forget the mortgage just to purchase a few more drops of this stuff.

After an hour of slowly baking in the oven, a sweet potato provides just a few precious drops of this "honey." I am sure this stuff is far move valuable than oil or gold or diamonds, and it definitely is a lot tastier.

This sweet, sweet potato syrup is truly a rare gem that seems to have a taste like nothing else. It is sweet without being overly sweet, and flavored similar to a cross between caramel and the sweet potato from which it was born. The problem is there is so little of it magically created at a time, and it can quickly dry out and burn to the foil if not carefully harvested. But it is so worth saving every last drop of this truly rare honey and dribbling it over your ready-to-eat sweet potato, or even simply dipping your fingers into it and enjoying it in its most pure form.

I do not claim to be some super observant genius in any from, and I am sure Mr. and Mrs. Fed Up were not the first ones to notice this amazing substance….which is why we question how no one has bottled this stuff yet?!? If we can make sugar free, fat free caramel, or acai and mangosteen dry drink mix; then how are we not able to harvest and distribute this humble sweet potato honey???

A well baked sweet potato on its own is quality grub. Especially if it is nice and mushy. But drizzle a little bit of this baked tastiness in its own juices, and this simple food has suddenly risen to a whole other level.

This has led us to experimenting on our own…trying to figure out how to juice a sweet potato and harvest its honey. Our attempts have found little revealing information. It seems the darker orange the sweet potato, the better the honey. And to get the most from a sweet potato, it needs to be wrapped tightly in foil to avoid leakage, and then cooked low and slow in the oven. But there must be a secret to juicing these things and getting more out.

Please, SOMEONE figure out how to bottle this stuff! Then become filthy rich selling sweet potato “honey” to eaters everywhere.   Just remember the Fed Up team expects some royalties, or at least a free sample or three.

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Categories: Mr. Fed Up Dishes, Recommendations

Author:Mr. Fed Up

A guy looking for good grub. and YES....I have a website...and I am not going to bore you with one of those personal journal type of blogs. I promise. Check it out;


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16 Comments on “SOMEONE please bottle this stuff”

  1. April 13, 2012 at 3:17 pm #

    Yeah.. The delicious pool of sweet potato stuff (notice my use of the technical term there) is a precious commodity. It’s crappy and rainy outside.. it’s cold. Feels like a night for some baked sweet potatoes. Thanks for the inspiration!

    • April 13, 2012 at 4:03 pm #

      It is amazing how comforting a simple root that we dig out of the ground can be. Sweet potatoes and their “honey” have got to be one of those things you CANT get sick of.
      Enjoy your dinner!

  2. April 13, 2012 at 3:21 pm #

    Love a baked sweet potato too! Have a Great Weekend:)

  3. April 13, 2012 at 3:45 pm #

    If you’re crazy enough about it, I reckon you can probably juice your sweet potato in a plain old veg juicer, then reduce down just that juice, maple syrup style. I’m sure there’s a use for the potato pulp too – just not quite sure what. I’d probably use it as filler for veggie burgers.

    You might need a lot of liquid to start with. Maple syrup is reduced down to 1/40 its sap volume. For birch syrup, it’s 1/90. Doesn’t seem to stop people from doing so, though.

    • April 13, 2012 at 4:10 pm #

      Hey Kleinbre, Wow…I never thoght about comparing it to maple syrup. And I had NO IDEA that birch syrup is reduced down to 1/90. wow.

      Ok, so looks like I just might be buying a veggie juicer this weekend if Mrs. Fed Up is cool with it. Then, once I figure everything out, I will get filthy rich selling Sweet Potato Honey! All I have to do now is convince Mrs Fed Up that buying a high-end veg juicer is an investment in our future-haha.

      Oh…and good idea about the pulp in burgers. That actually sounds real tasty. You could even make a full veggie burger with the sweet potato pulp, and black beans.

  4. June 22, 2012 at 9:48 pm #

    Who knew? It never even occurred to me to “harvest” the syrup. Such a small amount, so didn’t think about it being a commodity of its own. Thanks for the paradigm shift:-) Curious: Did you buy the juicer and are you currently patenting a process to make millions? Will be looking for your product (Mr. Fed Up’s Sweet Potato Honey, I assume) at fine grocers everywhere.

    • June 22, 2012 at 9:57 pm #

      One day…one day…but for now I am left just licking the foil wrapper for just the few precious drops

  5. seven stuart
    December 20, 2012 at 12:41 pm #

    Lol, I thought I was the only one who licks the foil! I vow to find a way to harvest this liquid essence of golden hued delisciousness. but until then i am left to squeegy the foil into a cup. God bless

    • December 21, 2012 at 12:10 pm #

      Haha. PLEASE find a way to bottle this magical liquid! Thanks for reading!

  6. seven stuart
    December 22, 2012 at 11:57 am #

    Hey mr. Fedup, I think I might have found a way though it is incredibly labor intensive the reward is worth it. I will keep you posted as soon as I try it out. I will also make enough to send you some! May we have a very sweet sticky Christmas! God bless


  1. Weird Combo, Tasty Results | Fed Up Food - April 17, 2012

    […] rarely am satisfied with a food until it has been doctored up to crazy levels of perfection. Just click here to see the extremes the Fed Up team goes to for a the perfect sweet potato experience. Or click […]

  2. Kitchen Confusion | Fed Up Food - May 1, 2012

    […] multiple names or are simply mislabeled. In the grocery store the term “yam” and “sweet potato” are constantly used to refer to the same brown root. These are actually two vastly different […]

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    […] Where would we be if we could only have Cornflakes 365 days a year? Having the ability to shop for sweet potatoes, russet potatoes and small red boiling ones or even getting to decided between baby carrots and […]

  4. Fiber Feast | Fed Up Food - July 22, 2012

    […] Bake a sweet potato…simple right? BUT…remember, here at Fed Up we only serve the best, so don’t bake  just ANY sweet potato. Get a long, skinny one, which allows for a faster more thorough cooking process. Plus, this shape allows for a maximum surface area to be covered in tasty toppings once split open and ready for eating. Oh…and remember once you are done baking the sweet potato, to try to save as much ‘Sweet Potato Honey.’ […]

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    […] on yogurt, or throwing in nuts to give you something to chew on when digging into a pile of mashed sweet potatoes. Multiple textures keep the meal from getting mundane and your mouth is kept busy adapting to each […]

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